If you don’t find what you need here, please contact us, we are happy to help!
We try to keep our calendar as consistent as possible to make scheduling for everyone easier, so unless absolutely necessary, we try not to change class days and times. That said, our instructors do offer private lessons so this is always a great option if your schedule doesn’t work for one particular level. Typically you can accomplish what you would in 2-3 classes within 1 private lesson! They start at $80 per hour and we have discounts if you buy in 3’s! Contact us to set one up!
You betchya, we’ve got you covered! We have a Standing Order Form (see link below) that you can complete to commit to 6 or 12 months of continuous pole classes. We will automatically process your registration and payment on the 1st of the month before your class starts. Just make sure you have a credit card on file with us and you’re golden, baby!