The Crash

By Aryn 0
I could feel the crash coming on…energetically we have all been experiencing so much change…and the waves of change keep asking us to become more aware of old stories, limiting belief systems, and acknowledgment of true self.
Yesterday was a spiral for me and I could feel it coming. It was set off by a feather that tipped the scale, and I couldn’t get out of it.
I thought I’d share what worked for me to shift into a more loving and lighter space!
1. I started by powering through my work to-dos.
2. I tapped in to intuition and chose my food and afternoon activities accordingly. My body was craving real, wholesome foods and my soul was craving adventure.
3. I journaled and realllllllly sat with the old stories and the feelings they were creating. I held myself accountable for the reactions I was having and asked myself “what do I need to see so I can be in the Truth of this.” I also commended myself for the aligned actions I had already taken.
4. I went on an adventure into nature. I exposed myself to the awe of nature and played in her bounty.
When we are feeling like life is a struggle, slow down, sit in the intuitive space where the Biggest version of you knows best and fall into the bounty of Nature and the Universe!!
