The Crash

I could feel the crash coming on…energetically we have all been experiencing so much change…and the waves of change keep asking us to become more aware of old stories, limiting belief systems, and acknowledgment of true self. Yesterday was a spiral for me and I could feel it coming. It was set off by a […]

I distinctly remember being in a deep depression years ago. I called my mom (moms know everything) and she asked me one question that was a turning point… “If you could do anything or be anywhere right now, what would it be?” My answer “in the ocean.” I scuba dive and the ocean and it’s […]
Good Girl

This has popped up repetitively for me in the past few weeks and I have learned that when things do that, the universe is like pssssst, you should talk about this. My one wish for women/girls of all ages would be to say “fuck you” when anyone or any concept calls them a “good girl.” […]
Isolation Time

There have been so many articles out there saying what you should and shouldn’t do right now with all our “spare” time in self isolation… HOW ABOUT YOU DO WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT? I often bring awareness to clients in coaching around the words “should” and “shouldn’t” as I find these are cue words […]
FAQs About Online Learning

Facts & Questions Q. How much space do you need? A. Not much! Remember, it’s just you. Stand with your arms stretched out to the sides, take one step to the side, now to the other side, now take a step forwards and backwards. That’s really all you need! Q. Do I need a computer? […]